Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Political Correctness VS. Thoughtful and Frank Debate

A Fire storm has erupted this week concerning race relations and the way they are viewed by a Duke University Professor of Political Science. Jerry Hough is 80 years old and has made some very un-politically correct opinions concerning differences as he see's it, between Asian Americans and African Americans. His opinion is that that the first group has worked harder to integrate with its new affiliation of being Americans than the second group.

First, I must relate to you, that whether you agree with what this professor has said or how he has stated it, is not what I am choosing to focus on. The point that I believe is relevant is what the proffessor stated as a rebuttal to the critisism of his original statements, and that is;  the way we dance around controversial subjects, gets in the way of engaging in meaningful conversation.
To this point, I entirely agree with Professor Hough, and you can too, if you think about it. Think of other controversial figures from our history, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Samuel Clemens, Sir.Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt and many others across the history of mankind, stretching across the whole world and all races. Pick whomever you wish from your list of admired personalities and most likely there will be others who believe that the one you admire is a complete despot. Certainly you could use Adolf Hitler as an example here.

Today, most charged subjects, such as racism, are uncomfortable to talk about, and opinions are guarded by most when, and if they choose to broach the subject. But when we do choose to tackle them, are we now using kid gloves in the discourse? Are we being too sensitive in our discussion so as not offend? Maybe we should start our conversations with a disclaimer such as Warning! Deep Dark Waters Ahead! Do Not Swim Farther Unless You Are Willing To Suffer The Consequences!
Much too often the rebuttal to discourse from anyone who doesn't wish to offend sensitive feelings is the phrase " You're a Racist!" or "You're Prejudiced!", this statement, of course, ends the conversation quite abruptly. How can you argue that point unless you at first embrace it? This is what I will now endeavor to do; no matter which uncomfortable, unpleasant, distasteful subject that we now face please understand this about me; I am not prejudiced; I hate everybody and everything equally. Happy now? Now  that we have gotten that out of the way, let's talk.


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